Use Master Templates to make Multiple Graphics a Breeze
So have you have worked on a show with a ton of CGs? Lets say lower thirds, for people’s name and whatever else the director wants to note. It can be a real pain the you know what. But using a Master Template and Motion, can make this process much more efficient.
So the old way, you would make your graphic elements in Motion and the save off a copy for each title. Sure there are programs out there which make this process a little more efficient, but they are expensive and you have to have your data formated properly.
The new way makes it a lot easier. Just create you graphic in Motion and save it as a a template. Move over to FCP and import the master template in one of the following ways.
Use the Mater Templates selection in the generators section of the Viewer (seen below). This will load the template into the viewer and then you can edit it into you sequence.
Or use the Sequence menu. This option will open a dialog box, the same one that you get in Motion when looking for a template. Here you can insert, overwrite or superimpose the selected template.
Once your template has been added to the sequence you can open it in the viewer and adjust any text in the controls tab. This is a much more efficient way or quickly changing out titles throughout a sequence. The only catch is, that the position of the text is limited to what was originally setup in Motion. However, the also adds the ability to have animated text very quickly for stunning graphics. This feature was added in Final Cut Studio 2, so it will not work in older versions.