The following message was posted on Proximity’s web site;
We are pleased to announce that all Proximity technology and intellectual property, including artbox workgroup and artbox enterprise, was recently acquired by Apple.
Existing Proximity customers with current support contracts will be contacted by Apple with details regarding their specific agreements and support requirements.
We remain a dedicated leading provider of creative media asset management and production workflow software. Our cutting edge production workflow solutions are widely considered the defacto standard for the ingestion, retrieval, browsing, editing, management, cataloging and storage of broadcast rich-media assets. Proximity solutions empower the customer to Protect, leverage and extend media with the best-of-breed equipment available in broadcasting today.
Proximity makes video assent management software, named Artbox that is used in high end post production facilities. It can be used with Apple products such as Final Cut Pro and Xsan.
At this point it is unclear what Apples plans are, but it is likley that they will include the technology in upcoming versions of their pro apps, like Final Cut Pro. This is not the only recent acquisition that Apple has made in the video world. They also acquired Silicon Color in October.
This purchase is a clear indication that Apple plans on pursuing the development of high end video post production products. It should be an exciting time for video and pro app users.
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