Several rumors have been circulating about the next version of Final Cut Pro and and Studio.
Several sites have been circulating information rumors about the upcoming version of Final Cut Studio. Since the introduction of Final Cut Pro, at the National Association of Broadcasters convention in 1999, FCP has been upgraded about every 2 years. While it doesn’t take a genius to follow the FCP upgrade schedule, Apples absence at NAB this year leaves users with questions.

Nearly 2 years since it’s last major upgrade, Final Cut Pro is slowly falling behind its competition. While established as a major contender in the editing world, small features and more advanced operating systems leave much to be desired from the current version of FCP.
Geeky Mac Predictions for FCP 7.0:
While it’s hard to predict exactly what the next version of Final Cut Studio will have, if we look at current trends, we can expect to see features like speech to text recognition. Support for high resolution digital cinema based formats. Advanced codecs, and support for new tapeless accusation delivery. And internet based distribution, like IP TV integration.
well..all I here fcs3….but when will it be out…this yesr….nab has come and gone….wwdc will be here soon…..what do you all think??
I don’t think it will be released until after Snow Leopard is released. They are making some big changes to Quicktime which is the unlaying technology for Final Cut Pro so I don’t think it will be out until September or October 2009 since rumor has Snow Leopard released in August or September. I also think the interface will have a massive change with option to be more like iMovie 09 but with pro modifications. I hope they also make the new version of Shake part of the Studio Suite too. I also hope they make a change to DVD Studio pro and redo it as Blu-Ray Studio Pro but they seem to believe in all digital downloads and they would need to include Blu-ray support into Snow Leopard which is a big unknown but the new mini-display port does seem to have HDCP Copy Protection already supported in iTunes purchased HD content so we are close. If they believe in digital downloads why don’t they build a Pro User Movie store that professionals can submit their content to and work a deal like the iTunes App store or Music services for percentages. They could expand Apple TV market by allowing user content created with FCP tools and sold directly thru general movie store but I guess that would be a major task in reviewing movies content for hidden meanings, sexual content or profanity issues. Anyway I look forward to the new release of Final Cut Studio 3 sometime in October myself that will be running on the new Snow Leopard exclusively. Fast and Sweet. See you in the future.
yeah, but you would think it would have been shown at wwdc 09
The logical time to update FCS is with Snow Leopard later this year. Unifying the interfaces across the apps, improving the workflow between apps, making color and Shake more Apple like and utilizing the new GPU technology should make it much smoother to use. We will just have to wait and see what they do. As users of high end low volume Apple products rumors on Pro App work are few and far between compared to the daily rumors for the iPhone. On top of that Apple’s bothersome secrecy makes it really difficult to determine what is likely to happen. It is a little unerving for studios that invest heavily in Apple products as there is no way to plan ahead. The bottom line is that if they do not release another FCS by the end of the year you can almost bet that they are either going to drop the Apps or are considering selling them off. Time will tell.
that’s true..if they (apple).don’t come out fcs3 by the end of this year…I’m done with fcs…..I will go with cs4…that’s it!